Real Conversation 05 – La familia

La familia biologica, y la familia a todas. Fred speaks a little Spanish, what it has to do with his biological family and the family that is everyone who knows.

This is only a place holder, other stories may come before it, this one is currently being written in the background so becomes before others even if it follows them. The intention is to post it when it is complete, we’ll see, Fred is good at altering his intentions. Never sets anything in stone, always open to change.

Freddy’s trying something different, he is confident of the outcomes in this story, beautiful outcomes. He wants to show you how he knows he is playing his own game. His life is his own game, as yours is your game Reader, no different to a computer game. Except of course how beautiful it is in every way. And, of course, the only person who can play it is you.

It’s a fun game, the Narrator suggests you start playing it too rather than being another boring NPC. Do a Free Guy on yourself.

See you soon buddies.