Chapter 13 – Power

No tobacco, coffee and cannabis make Fred go something something.

No, they don’t.

Fred ran out of all three yesterday, this morning had none. Cannabis in the morning not a usual thing but a coffee and cigarette yes. It has been months since Fred has gone a morning without both. The tobacconist opens at eight, supermarkets nine on a Sunday he just found out, even the cafe he went to have breakfast is closed.

Drove a bit further to a different little town, cafe open, coffee beautiful, supermarket closed until nine, tobacconist eight. Small towns, the things to get used to again. Beautiful, fantastic thinks Fred.

Not having these things, the coffee and cigarettes, doesn’t result in Fred wigging out. He doesn’t do stupid shit to others and then blame it on not having stuff, blame it on the addiction. Never in his drinking days did he blame alcohol for anything other than the hangover that resulted from it, even this he knew is his own choice, fault. He isn’t the type of coward that takes the easy way out, the no personal responsibility way out, when he is fully responsible.

He’ll wait for a coffee and a durrie, while he does he won’t attack or abuse anyone or thing in the process. His body does not have any power over his mind and what he chooses to express. Just like money has no power.

Frederick has been reviewing a comment that presented in conversation the other day. He was talking to a mate about what it will take for the people in his old life to stop being the pathetic cowards they are, to listen to what he has said and take responsibility for what they are doing, to look into the mirror and say I am the problem. Fred knows the answer, it is the pinnacle of pathetic.

It is money, Fred knows that when the hairs that grow out of his nose almost reaching his chin at times are replaced by money these people will listen. Proving the one and only thing it proves, money is the only thing, the one and only thing that means anything to them. The family they grew up in, the one they created, the environment, the earth, safety, their children, themselves, truth, are all distant cousins in importance to money. Undeniable.

Fred wants the people in his old life to open up, reconnect, before this point. He doesn’t want them to have to deal with the shame of their number one priority and love being something that is nothing, not even paper in most cases now, just 0s and 1s. That is all money is, binary code, numbers in a database. Yet number one priority, number one importance to all, even more important than this God they say they believe in is money.

This is not just about the Fred’s old life people, it is the same for every one of you readers. Every one of you is this disgusting, this lost, this pathetic, guarantee it.

Discussing this with Trina, her comment makes sense, and it is true in a way. ‘Well’ said she, ‘money is power’. Fred agrees to a point, but knows there is more to it. Not unlike a couple of other comments he would like to address.

Money is power but only for the weak. Only the weak, the very weakest on this planet, consider money as power, need money to have power. The almost as weak, those that live in a heavy state of ignorance, the other eight point something billion people on this planet following this pathetic rubbish are almost as weak, not quite, almost. Still pathetically weak.

The most powerful in this world are the weakest in this world. The only thing they have is money, the only thing they know is how to abuse and control others through it. It would not be possible to use money as such a tool were there any strength in this world, any integrity. I guarantee you reader, and everybody else in this world, you have none, zero, zip, strength or integrity. You are weak. Not Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Leonardo DiCaprio, Anthony Albanese or Taylor Swift weak, but not far away.

So the correct comment here is Money is the power of the Weak.

Continuing on, Fred had a conversation with someone who definitely aligns with the above not so long ago. Discussing Taylor Swift, how disgustingly ignorant she is, her followers and defenders are. A woman who does nothing with her platform and words but destroys the world, the youth, the future leaders of this world, the youth women.

This woman, and many others, are not inspiring people. They are killing them. If you only want to look at the few people who have found financial success through following this woman, the rubbish that comes out of her mouth and ignore the many that have ended up in pits of debt and hell, jumping from high rises, slashing their own wrists from trying to imitate, you do that. Taylor, you do that. Fred will not because he knows that you, and every person that defends you is killing our children, he knows you are ignorant violent murderous scum.

The discussion was getting nowhere, the attachment to this moron overriding it. Her wealth from the harm she does to the world was justified as it being a capitalist society (one that operates on profit and loss). What she does, and many others is not capatalism, it is pure greed and ignorance. Her greed is to abuse the fame, finances and influence she has over you to fill her pockets. Your ignorance is allowing this, as it allows all the weak powerfuls (all the powerfuls that exist today) to do what they do.

The other line repeated over and over that Fred laughs at and corrects is people trying to justify this greed, their own greed. Survival of the fittest Fred. Fred laughs, firstly laughs at this disgustingly obese thing in front of him justifying it’s greed as being the fittest when it could not physically walk up the mountain he talks about. Can barely walk from the car to the front door of their house without puffing, panting and complaining about how hard the walk was.

No, friends, this is not survival of the fittest, if anything it is survival of the fattest. It’s the line that Fred corrects people with. He laughs when he thinks about fat messes who are afraid of picking a lettuce as it might have bugs on it comparing themselves to lions, cheetahs, tigers, and sharks as a result of numbers in their bank account. Come on, seriously, if you cannot laugh at or even see this stupid the Narrator encourages you to go look in the mirror right now. While doing it ask yourself how you got to be as much of a dumbfuck as you are, how it is possible.

Three examples that Fred, again indisputably, will prove to you are rubbish. Power is the strength that my inner world is, it is the strength that ensures I follow my own path, I will not abandon it for the pathetic. I will be me, for me, at all times, no matter what the cost to my own being.

This is power, strength, courage.

Move on to some sad news now. Well, not really sad but a change in circumstances.

The little caravan has been deemed beyond repair. It needs to be completely gutted and refitted, Fred has no interest. Yesterday he repaired a corner that was the most noticably rotten with the eye. The repair, including the cleanup was hours of work, hours of work he was okay with for this section. Resulted in looking good enough.

In the process of repairing the corner other adjoining fittings showed they were rotting too. Fred’s awareness that the caravan may be beyond help had already started, now it grew. He gave it another opportunity.

Cleaned it all out and paid attention as he did. Felt the floor under his feet, looked more closely at the internal fittings, pushed and felt the ceiling. All rotting.

Fred continued on to giving it the thorough clean it required. Began with cleaning out the spiderwebs that had formed since the last cleaning. Cleaning stage three was yesterday, an indication of the state of both caravans when the doors were opened to him.

It stopped here, no further progress or action planned with the exception of caravan removal. The cobweb cleaning highlighted the extended damage faced. Every panel, every step on the floor, every fitting, all rotting. The caravan is fucked well beyond the time Fred is willing to dedicate. Barney has to go.

Waiting on a response from the owner’s now, approval to have it removed from the property. It leaves him without accommodation for his guests and clients. Freddy is without worry, he knows the accommodation will work itself out. Guests is not too much of an issue at any time, clients are the ones who will require it. Again, no concern, it will work out beautifully, he trusts.

Fred trusts as he knows himself, knows he will bring himself everything he needs when he needs it. Stress does not live in this body anymore.

Guests and clients. Guests are guests, people from his old life or people who come into the work in everyday circumstances. Guests are those where a relationship has started to form before the healing work. Activities with guests are not restricted, the work is no different than a couple of mates coming together and doing their thing, being who they are together. Perfect for healing spaces.

Clients come through the channels he has opened up, the formalities. Clients access the program through email, through recommendations from others who attended, there is no prior relationship. Clinical safety is prioritised in client relationships where it is not necessary with guests.

Guests can choose to be clients, once the work has started they cannot then change their minds back to the guest approach. On healing work commencing in this scenario there is a power imbalance. Fred does not give himself a title or a role. He does not call himself a facilitator, healer, shaman or any other word of separation. His title and role is Fred. Him being the support person for this work is the creation of the power imbalance, one that must not be abused. He won’t and hasn’t, he is here to support others, to serve, that is his role.

Fun maintains one of the top spots on his list on how to approach life, holding top position is safety. Fun will not impact safety. Clients and guests need to feel safe. Fred treating an old friend or a sibling like a client he does not know breaks safety, treating a client like an old friend he once knew equally. Healing spaces are not and cannot be a one size fits all approach, there needs to be room for interpretation to each individual.

Just as a white clinical space is not the environment that everybody, just about anybody, will feel safe neither is a traditional maloca (medicine ceremony space). True healing environments provide multiple options for participants. They can and should be rearranged and organised to be safe, challenging and fun to the individual attending. The participant themselves have the agency (choices) in the space which they are most comfortable and safe. The support person aides in ensuring the created spaces fit the needs of the exercise.

The requested may be the natural environment of the client or guest, meaning the space in which they usually reside. A support person has to be willing to support the preference. Repeating, should the space be safe. If the space is not safe and cannot be made safe it is not the right environment, guest preference or not.

Safety first, challenging second, fun third. The healing mantra.

Challenging and fun go hand in hand. Challenging is the placement of reminders of trauma, abuse, fears, attachments and whatever around the room without overloading. A support person paying attention to every conversation and action of the participant will come to understand what is needed now. They will work with the client, hear their words and what the client thinks is the problem, it generally isn’t. Still, the facilitator will ensure that there are reminders of topics identified.

The support needs to listen much more deeply. Simple example, client repeats and repeats they do not care about money, or this and that yet every word that comes out of their mouth on every topic is the finances involved. Client clearly cares heavily about money but cannot admit it to themselves, pretty much everybody.

The trick is to place a prop in the room that brings attention to the attachment to money without making it obvious, particularly should medicine be the tool for the work. Most medicine experiences, particularly the more gentle ones are a long journey. Participants will address many topics, every I am this or that they call themself eventually, they will try to avoid the ones they are not willing to face. In time the items placed as reminders will come into the journey, the participant will not be able to avoid them. They will no longer be able to avoid them in their everyday life either.

Awareness is crucial in the healing process for both the client and therapist. When the therapist does not have this awareness they block the patient, they create further problems, break trust. The therapist does not have this awareness in the healing space because they do not have the awareness in themself, they are not doing the work they are telling others to do. They are hypocrites filling their pockets at the expense of others who come to them in trust.

Just like Taylor, the scum of the earth.

Challenging brings fun, only if the support person is not challenged. They cannot be. A support person who lets their emotions and feelings come into the healing space has no business being there. Supports cannot allow themselves to be challenged by what is happening to their client or what the client is saying. They do, they are judging, they are breaking trust, destroying all safety, directly taking up a spade and assisting their clients in digging the graves they have been digging the entirety of their life.

Safe, challenging, fun. The mantra for healing. A therapist that lives what they teach and preach, the foundation for success.