Real Conversation 04 – The Church, all of them


This is going to be fun, both the Narrator and Fred love talking about, and to, the Church. This is an invitation to any church person to come and have a real conversation about this horrible thing, Fred’ll probably tell you that you are sending people straight to hell, are living the hell you’re so afraid of, it’s very likely actually, he’s already said it to church leaders, a couple of times. The Narrator will start the conversation.

Asking the questions that matter

What is a question that matters? It’s the key really, to many locks.

Examples are the easiest way to explain, let’s start there.

Christianity. Adam and Eve, the homo sapien creation story from the perspective of the Christian denominations.

The Old testament was written between 10 and five BCE, or there abouts. The new testament was written between 50 and 120 CE. Think about this, think about what it means in terms of technology available, the scientific progression, what people had available to them to understand their origins, why they are the way they are.

Think about it a little bit more, then continue reading.

The Adam and Eve story was the best they could come up with, they didn’t have a concept of evolution available to them. Now, it is beyond doubt that humans evolved from other species, beyond doubt. The technology available through scientific progression allows understanding of these fairly simple to understand processes, evolution is happening all the time, everywhere. Only ignorance due to the attachment to an agenda stops rational thinking on the topic, this fucking terrible thing, belief, blocks every sense that is sensible. To reject science in one respect and accept in all other parts of your life, the life-saving medicines and treatments, the conveniences it brings is hypocricy, you’re changing sides as it suits you.

This whole book, the Bible, is trying to understand the creation stories, and getting absolutely nowhere in doing it.

The Ten Commandments.

God is not a thing of suppression, it is a thing of expression. Clearly, look, it’s clear. Sit in the bush for an hour and just look, it’s clear, this beautiful planet, phenomenally beautiful planet is clearly something of extreme beauty expressing itself in countless ways. Nothing is more phenomenal than the way this planet balances itself, continues to balance itself amongst all the destruction to it, this is God’s love through expresssion, creation.

A pathway of suppression is counterproductive in this experience, expression is what God wants you to do, experience yourself. Wants you to ask the right questions and work to find the true answers. Following, identifying, this is the ultimate suppression. It’s a prison.

Adultery, fucking whoever you want (with their consent of course), what is the purpose? Today, control, controlling people. Then, control too, most likely controlling population growth. Farming and agriculture were a much more difficult and labour intensive task, spikes in population would have made it difficult to supply the demand. Homelessness, famine, malnutrition, disease, water safety all become stressed when food availability is stressed.

Next question.

What is christianity other than a well advanced, hugely identified with and blindly followed political party? The evidence is in the document. Man after man after man leading this thing, relying on miracles to get people to listen, making new promises each time, promises everyone is still waiting for instead of living their lives.

God, a man to the church, at least this version warned people that their ignorance would bring hell. The villain, a woman, Eve, eating the fruit, becoming conscious, being able to ask questions, not knowing how to ask the right questions, kicked from Eden into a hell she couldn’t imagine. Blamed for it all, blamed by men for it all, even by women, sad. Adam, a smack on the wrist, but his new found consciousness resulted in being kicked too.

Noah, build an Ark, lead. God, I promise after destroying everyone this time I won’t do it again. Except for Sodom and Gomorrah of course, but that wasn’t everyone, just a couple of cities turned to salt. God was a bit salty with them, clearly, only a little broken promise. Only a little similar to politics.

David, Isaac, Moses, man after man leading this movement, man after man failing. The same shit continuing to this very day. It’s identical to every political group. Men leading them all, breaking promises, just saying what you want to hear. Women leading some too now, awfully trying to lead like the men before them, please don’t, please lead like a woman, whatever that looks like, earth is yet to know.

Hoarding resources, the catholic church is one of the richest and most overtly public institutions in flaunting their wealth. Showing off, putting themselves on a pedestal. This is opposite to the messiah they idolise, they wait for. This messiah, this prophet, another man. A man who recognised the tiny donation of a woman was all the wealth she had, and chastised others for teasing her, made it clear to them that this small amount was worth a 1000 time more than the 1000 times as much donation of wealthy men. She gave what she had not what she could afford, she did not do it for appearance.

Jesus served people, sat at their feet, washed those feet, cried with them, opened his space to everyone. This man was a servant that did not put himself above others, put himself below them, listened to them. Yet, the church places him in a position of privilege, of separation to the people, this is not Jesus they worship. It is a false idol created by them to control themselves and everyone else willing to be brainwashed with ignorance.

The next leader? You guessed it, another man, the same man at a different time. Then when it is all said and done, the fight for souls has been won, it will be another man leading it all according to the church, this time God, or maybe even Satan, either or, same same, men.

It’s damn easy to ask the right question, and just as easy, while being a shitload of fun, exploring the answers. The blockage is in identity, beliefs, attachment to stupidity, to being stupid and staying stupid.

Is this book a book of peace? Are any other religious texts ones of peace? Maybe the Tao Te Ching, it only speaks of war, does not base it’s self in the outcomes from the battles of war. All the other texts that Fred knows all started with war, included war intermittently, ended in war. These are all texts of violence, war mongering, war encouraging, expectation and disgusting hope for the wars to come that are supposed to fix it all.

War is not the answer to this world, the evidence is clear. These texts are not the answer, the evidence is also clear. Peace is the only answer, the only way, the peace that has already been described in this book.

Over to you religious folk.