Chapter 28 – Peace, love and light

It’ll be easier to start this conversation in reverse direction. To understand one is the foundation to understand all three.

Light, nobody has been able to explain this term to Fred, not satisfactorily, not simply enough. There are always questions, questions that will always come when one says it’s just like , you know, this thing that can’t be explained, can only be felt and experienced. Hmmm ponders Fred, do you really know what you are talking about?

Fred knows, as you do, that since you cannot explain this thing you do not know what you are talking about. You have not experienced it in its fullness. Fullness meaning I can still pay attention to myself and what is happening in this body and mind throughout the experience. I am aware, I can see and experience everything that is happenning, it is not overwhelming. You will be able to explain it when you can do this with it, there are still some steps to take first.

Light has always been referred to as something to do with the sun, and warmth, while this is true it is only one aspect to the experience.

Floating, yes, definitely comes with it, but floating itself is not the word.

Oneness, of course, yes this is what it is all about.

Light means that my body, my spirit, my soul, aura, control system, the world, universe, great infinite space, every other term, they all feel in balance with one another, all at the same time. The sensation comes in many ways, to be aware when it happens allows it to happen all at once. Allows you to explain the experience, how to achieve it, what is standing in the way.

This balance in the body feels like absolute lightness, no weight at all. No burdens, fears, anxieties, wants, loves, desires, feelings, emotions, thoughts. Simply at being at absolute peace in my own shell with nothing but me.

The floating and warmth all then happen too. The floating isn’t that I am floating above in the sky, it is I am floating at one with and in the sky, land, air, water, trees, grass and all the rest. It’s everything that exists is moving perfectly in balance as one and you are a necessary piece moving with and within the greatness of it all. It’s a phenomenal form of floating.

This is light. Call it what you want, it all means the same thing, but learn to understand why you call it what you do. Until you understand you cannot explain it, and when you cannot explain it you confuse people and hold them back on their journeys and paths no matter how hard you are trying to guide them. Confusion isn’t progress, simplicity in understanding is.

Love, this is the absolute compassion and brutal truth I give myself when I am willing to look in the mirror and tell myself a few things. I am the solution to all of my problems. I am both the villain and hero to the stories behind those problems. I am willing to see my true self, understand what I have projected to the world, and do something real about fixing it. Take responsibility for me.

Love is the pathway to light, Love and Light, a simple term when it is not being made more than it needs to be.

The beautiful part about viewing it simply is that you can then talk about it in all different ways, draw from the many experiences you’ve gone through to understand this concept, these words. Fred’s tried everything he knows in order to understand many words. Delved a little at least, all different religions, spiritualities, viewpoints, stereotypes, sexualities, shit he made up for himself. It has been as fun as fuck, he’ll confirm, kind of is in this thing.

If you’re not willing to say something to the world it isn’t worth saying at all. Definitely something Fred agrees with, can’t be denied really, can it?

He can say all this shit to the world because Fred knows it beyond doubt through attention in experience. Simply paying attention to his experiences rather than getting taken away and losing himself in them.

Peace, well, this is simple when you understand light, they are one and the same. Love, light and peace, this is process.

Love is needed to achieve light, light is required to understand peace. It is phenomenally beautiful, nothing like it exists, there is absolutely no seperation, discrimination, judgement, rascism, homophobia and every other fucking phobia in it. Violence does not have a place.

This is peace, understand light, be with your experience and you will understand this.

When I ask you now, what is peace? The common answer would be no violence so I’d have to pursue further, what does that mean? It means no fighting, people killing people. I would then ask, is this so? Do you know it? Have you experienced it? The common answer would be yes, but the true answer is no.

You do not know peace, never in your lifetime has there been peace or any resemblance of it. This breaks Fred’s heart. There is no peace and has never been peace on this earth since people became conscious enough to make their own decisions. It’s clear, the evidence is in your faces all the time.

When the world is at peace it is not, there are still tensions, every country building their armed forces just in case, getting involved in other countries politics, pressuring one another. This is not peace, this is tension bound to reach boiling part, this is planet earth since humans existence.

No, what you call peace is not peace at all.

Fred he knows peace beyond doubt, it’s the absolute regularity in which he feels light, this is what peace is. The more Fred breaks through his attachments, discriminations, judgements, biases, socialising, conditioning, stereotyping, the lighter he becomes, the freer he is, the more peace lives in him.

The more smoothly he floats.

Even in this world, this painfully violent peaceless world peace can still be found. The mirror just needs to be pointing in the right direction. Start breaking through the same shit Fred has and you’ll experience all three of these beautiful words to their fullest degree.

Love, Light and Peace to all.