Chapter 26 – Am I

The Narrator reflects back to Frederick’s statement. It’s a beautiful thing should the reader be able to understand the intention.

There are a few focuses, understanding, confusion removal, defining definition.

Defining defintions of all the words people use when they say I am this, that and everything else.

When most people say these words there is a question mark that follows the statement, I am good? Am I? Good, am I?

The question is simple to hear. The statement is made with either a lack of confidence or with confusion. There is no clarity or conviction. Alternatively, the statement is made with full emotion, when questioned defensive mechanisms defend and protect the statement.

When one is what they say they are they have no requirement to defend or protect it, there is no confusion. An I am followed by defensiveness, convincing, is no I am, it’s am I?

The word is not the thing one is, this is holding onto the word without understanding its definition. This is not who I am. Nobody understands the definitions of the words they use, yet they use them anyway.

Love, empathy, compassion, peace, safety, care, simple, support, oneness, forgiveness, truth. All words you say you are, none of which you understand. None of which you know their meanings when applied to your life.

These words, many others, Fred defined as simply as they can be in his statement. Defined them so you can understand them. So next time you say them, asking yourself am I this or that, you can now start to query whether you actually are.

In time you’ll come to understand the application of the meanings of these words. Understand when you are not projecting the actions associated to the words at all times you are none of them at all. None of these words are what you are.

None of their opposites are what you are either. Through the process of learning you will open this understanding to your life, words will stop holding you back from being what you are. All the I ams, none of them, all of them, is what you are. They are all just words.

Words, they do not matter, they only separate people when they do.

Nothing at all with exception of the words people use separate people from one another, from the world they exist in.

Skin, race, language, backgrounds, futures, religions, spiritualities, sexuality, gender, family. All words, the things, the only things that have created the horrible divide on this planet. All the violence on earth has been created by the misuse of these meaningless things, words.

Words, they do not matter, yet people make them matter, make nothing but them matter and they do not understand any of them. Do not understand why they matter.

Words matter when so much destruction has been caused by them, so much horrible. All horrible.

To know the words one uses, the application of those words to living is a starting pathway to safety. The starting pathway to undo the terrible in this world. Where that terrible originated from.

People are separated by nothing but the words they use. People are all the same yet they are not willing to see it, be it, simply because of the way they use the words they express.

Racism, discrimination, patriotism, borders, family, religion, spirituality, all created by words of separation. All created through a person’s need to be special, better than everything and everyone else. All words of ultimate attachment stopping people from seeing clearly, rationalising, understanding the word, topic, from a position of clarity. People identify so strongly with these things they are unwilling to think their own thoughts on the topic, ask their own questions, give themselves their own answers.

The Narrator will regress to the conversation about his friend who believes in God from a Christianity perspective. The friend who believes Adam was created from nothingness, Eve from his ribs. This applies not just to her, also the God knows how many people believe in this teaching.

Belief, nothing but a barrier to freedom, clarity, rationale.

The writing around this topic of the source of where humans came from was created at a time when such a topic was outside the understanding of man. At this time, man had no way to rationalise existence so this is the what they had the thinking tools and the basic supporting evidence to come up with. It wasn’t based on evidence, it was based on belief, on maybes, it was a guess.

Since, particularly in the last couple of hundred years with the advances of science the question of where people come from has been proven beyond doubt. It’s written in the DNA of each one, every human. People evolved from other animals, other primates, they were not created specially, uniquely to other animals. They followed the same path of existence. Evolution. Proven beyond doubt.

Proven beyond doubt, yet absolute attachment and identification to a book written without the support of any factual processes stops people seeing, rationalising on the topic. Stops people ask their own questions, doesn’t allow them to progress to finding their own answers.

This belief approach to life is the prison most live in, a prison smaller than any jail cell that exists. There’s no living in it. All created because people believe in words they do not understand, are not willing to understand. A prison, a jail cell, that with every word expressed on the topic pushes others into cells of their own. Words have done this, you have done this all through not understanding what the words you use when you say I am mean.

All religions and spiritual pathways are the same prison. All Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Scientologists, Atheists, Juadaists, extremists, fundamentalists, everything else, all are living in the same prison. None are living at all. All have been brainwashed by themselves, by meaningless words. So entirely brainwashed they cannot, are unwilling to think their own thoughts on the given subject. Forcing others to be unwilling to think their own thoughts too. This leads to nothing but war.

Is there not enough historical evidence to support this, the war effecct? Is there not enough current, occuring today in this time evidence to support this? Of course there is, the only reason you cannot see it, admit to it, accept it is because of how strongly, ignorantly, stupidly you identify with a bunch of words that mean nothing. It is what makes you, every one of you, stupid.

It is what makes you an active participant in all of the war and violence that is happening today, in all the wars and violence that has ever happened. You may not have a gun in your hand but you are still pulling the trigger. You are killing your brothers and sisters through nothing but ignorance, stupidity, belief, words.

Gurus, spiritual teachers, same category. Teaching and driving people to stupid outcomes because they, both the teacher and student, need to be special over everything else. Trying to be God, trying to be everything, when none of you have learnt anything.

People are so special, so dumb, they think they can go straight from ignorance to enlightenment without first understanding/experiencing how they have destroyed the world, participated in every war, killed their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children with their words, their beliefs. This is a cowards path, so many cowards following this path. Almost every human being.

Forget about being God. You don’t even understand the basics of who you are, start there. Your name, as is Fred’s name is who you are. Nothing and nobody else. Start there, learn to be you, the name you are, nothing else, no-one else. Start there and you stop participating in some of the wars.

Step two, learn to be the animal you are, the animal called homo sapien. An animal no different to a pan troglodyte, giraffa, macropodidae, delphinidae, blattodea. An animal originating from the same source as every other animal. Step two, progress to there and one no longer participates in any war.

Well, still participates in one war, the war against all separation, the war against all wars, the war for peace. The war for peace can only be fought when a pursuit for truth is its foundation, a pursuit for the meaning of the noises that spew out of the mouths of homo sapiens.

Step three, God or whatever you want to call it. By the time you get to this stage you’ll be seeing this step completely differently to what you do now, the pursuit will no longer be what you think you want it to be, it will be what it is. It will be truth, truth based on asking your own questions, searching for and giving yourself your own answers.

By the time step three is reached it won’t matter what that thing is called. God is a common name for everything, just like human, person, Australian, English, French, black, white, many others for homo sapien. No different. Exactly the same as bottle nose, common, long beaked, striped, dusky are all words for dolphin, delphinidae. Zero difference.

Monkey, dog, cat, sloth, kangaroo, whale, tiger, rat, possum, aardvark, person, all words for animal. All words for the same thing.

God is nothing and it is everything, regardless of the name given. God has not always been, God came from something, that something is nothing. There is no other explanation, an explanation nothing and nobody can understand until they are well advanced into stage two of learning what they are, where they came from.

It cannot be understood until all of the words, thoughts, ideas, worries, concerns, problems, discriminations, separations are removed from the head. All thinking gone. Creation is possible through the remaining nothingness, creation that is ones own questions, their own answers. Out of nothing comes beauty beyond the word itself.

God, whatever it is, came from the greatest nothing of all nothingness, it was the first thing that came into this existence, it will be the last thing to leave. From the moment of its inception it has only had one question, just like you and Fred, what am I? It has multiplied itself into everything, everythings that Fred, and you, only know the smallest of percentages of. This world is only one of infinite experiences this thing is going through to understand itself.

Humans know nothing, think they know lots but that lots is absolutely nothing in relation to how much more there is to learn and to know. A thirst to learn from experience rather than informations gives birth to freedom.

The human aspect has already been raised, is understanding how ignorant it will allow itself to become before it says enough is enough. Humans are fulfilling their role beautifully in this, nothing is as ignorant as human beings, nothing compares. Nothing kills shit and destroys the earth that gives it life for meaningless things, words, money, power, trophies.

This ignorance, should it continue, will be the cause of the next extinction event. It won’t be a natural occurrence, it will be war, climate change, greed, selfishness, the inability to ask my own questions and give my own answers. Ignorance will be its cause, humans will be its cause, they will delete themselves and many other creatures. Many more creatures than they already have.

Christianity looks at human existence, there’s a small percentage of truth in the human creation story, the human truth started at the wrong point. Yes, humans, like all everything came from nothing, they were just a long way down the timeline chain of experiencing existence. The first animal on this planet whose language and brain processes allowed ignorance, a process they are drowning in, holding every thing else’s head under water in the process.

God is nothing, came from nothing, God itself evolved into everything, everyone, all that is, was and ever will be. It can be called anything, it doesn’t care, only people care. Only ignorance cares. God is not ignorant.

God is nothing and everything, it is no religion, spirituality or belief process while being all of them.

God is not ignorant but it is at the same time, humans and our ignorance is an extension of God, the thing it is experiencing. God knows it has the capacity for ignorance hence it is trying to understand it, trying to understand what ignorance is and does. Eventually it will, at this point ignorance will be wiped from the human race.

Ignorance will be wiped in one of two ways, the current trajectory where the race destroys itself through ignorance, or the one where it admits its ignorance to itself, removes all its beliefs and starts to ask its own questions, give its own answers, seek truth, come to peace, survive, thrive.

The Narrator loves talking about Fred’s aloneness. It is super duper funny the cause of it. He asked his own questions, gave his own answers, found truth, continues the process, continues to seek truth.

There is only one aspect, just the one that has isolated him from everyone that was in his world, continues to keep him isolated. It is the definition of ignorance. Super duper funny.

Fred doesn’t participate in gossip, he won’t talk about all of the terrible stuff others are doing when that or those people are not in the room, when he cannot say the things directly to them, can’t say it to the world. Nope, the people who were in his world have run away from him because he says all the shit they say about others directly to them, he said it about them, he has said it to the world. He said it about himself. He told and tells the truth.

People, so happy to look at the flaws of everyone else but not in themselves. So funny.

The perfect example of the human condition, ignorance.

The shit Frederick has said, the words they say about others he has told them the same things with a subtle difference. Used those words to them about them, to you about you, to you, them and him about him. He has explained to them that none of those words, those things matter. He is asking them to see how it separates us when they do matter.

This list of words coming, none of them matter, they don’t. Pay attention and you’ll realise they only start to separate us when they do. Separates ourselves from ourself when they do. The Narrator will use some examples to aide you in understanding but only your position, your identification with the word will prevent it. This means you are not open when one of your I ams is I am open.

Sexuality, gender, race, skin, blood, family, love, hate, like, dislike, good, bad, truth, lie, honest, untrustworthy, religion, spirituality, baptist, Buddhist, Taoist, atheist, strong, weak, wealthy, poor, socialite, loner, gangster, judge, hero, villain, safe, endangered, murder, rescue, pain, bliss, just to name a few.

All words Fred has learned, knows he has the potential to be, is all of them, none of them. Knows none of them matter, they separate us when they do.

Sexuality, when it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter. Example, being straight, no-one gives a fuck, it does not seperate everybody. Being gay, everyone seems to give a fuck, it separates the world. It is the giving a fuck that is the separation. Your choice is your choice for you, accept it. Accept others won’t accept it, eventually they will but they’re not ready now, pressure won’t force them to be ready. Accept your choice.

Use another of your I Ams, I am compassionate, I am empathetic, two options.

Understand this simplicity, this absolute simplicity and you start to accept you. The word sexuality no longer matters, it loses all its power over you. You’re gay as Fred is straight, topic over. Pure simplicity, saying it as simply as this is when you know your choice is your own. The choice you have is all that matters, the word no longer means anything.

Fred’s process, beautiful thing, he is straight, will say I am straight, it’s simple to him. Everything about a women’s body and how it reacts during intimacy is absolutely interesting to him, a man’s body no, he knows it, he has one. Above all he knows the physical aspect he loves the most in a women’s company that is not available with men is a vagina, his penis really loves exploring vaginas.

He knows a pussy feels so much better than an arsehole or even a mouth, he knows it from experience, science backs him up. It’s the biology of how a cunt, cock, mouth and shithole work. Tried them all with women, all great. Tried all but the dick in butt with a male, not the same, knows his choice.

For fuck sake, a women’s body during sex should one take their time with it, make sure it is ready. Fucking mate, fucking MATE. The skin changes, nipples harden, beautiful smells fill the room, touch her vagina and it is dripping fluid, touch it or her how she wants to be touched then listen to the sounds, oh phenomenal. When you’re really working together, yeah, that’s where two people meet.

This meeting is not available to Freddy with any man he has met, has been available with a healthy selection of women. He is not discounting encountering the full experience with a man. The man would have to fit a profile for Fred, he becomes attracted to the person they are, their physicality, general openness. Fred knows his decision, it’s his, the only thing that matters. The word, his sexuality itself, does not matter to him. Neither does yours.

What matters is the choice. When he questions people on whatever topic, sexuality, religion, he is trying to understand their choice, trying to learn them and who they are. He doesn’t question their decision being valid or moral, it’s the same decision he makes, equally valid and moral. Therefore it means nothing, easy to accept, move on, live his life.

Gender, another one, call yourself whatever word you want, but accept it. Same discussion as above. But, under-fucking-stand there is a difference between gender choices and biology, a huge wide abyss of difference. Should I choose to adopt my identity based on a stereotype, my biology remains my biology.

Stereotype, male, female, trans, binary, whatever. All words that means a bunch of other words, a story I choose for myself instead of the other available stories. Better, choose no story.

A woman has a cock and a vas deferens her biology is masculine, a man has a vagina and nipples that become hard as rock when Fred puts his mouth on them he has feminine biology. No amount of arguing the point is going to change the point. The point that you argue rather than talk rationally is the point that you don’t understand the point, you don’t understand and accept your own choice.

This not understanding choice is an attachment and it is hurting, violating the world. This sexuality, this gender debate is just another war. You’re all on one side or the other. People are being killed and killing for it, destroying theirs and others lives, making the whole world unsafe because of these words. You’re doing that, fighting in a war, you’re fighting, you are fighting with violence. You are fighting with ignorance.

It’s the whole reason words matter. Words not based on ignorance matter.

Let’s understand part two of this book together. Start again with part one. setting the scene, all the things that people say when they say I am, the same stuff Fred said once upon a time. All stuff he has learnt he is both not and is. Part two is now exploring the application of that learning, trying to find out if people are willing to listen, talk, interact freely, use their I am open.

The evidence so far is as close to proven that most would stop the pursuit, they would have determined that all the I ams in the world are rubbish, people are rubbish. So much rubbish that people are too ego identified to view their views any other way than with belief, to admit to themselves how stupid their I ams have made themselves.

Fred’s platform to explore is limited. He cannot attend church, spirituality discussions, community gatherings, organised activities and all of the rest of the stuff people do to meet people. He can attend, but chooses not to, this is his cannot. Two of the last three church services he went to he told the pastor’s they are going to hell, sending others to hell with their inability to ask their own questions, give their own answers. They are teaching ignorance. The third one he didn’t, just didn’t bother, had enough evidence this is the church, an institution based on nothing but ignorance.

All the other meetings and topics are similar. Fred tell’s them the truth, it is not welcome, only ignorance is accepted. Freddy, nope, he and his truth is not welcome.

Instead he is using Tinder. It may not be the tool that gets him into exploration territory, but it is an available tool that provides the platform to pursue the human relationship study.

Tinder, he has tried a few approaches, all based on truth, based directly on his intentions at the time. None have worked.

He is open, likely the only person on the platform who’s I am open means what they say all though he doesnt say it towards himself. He is on the platform to explore intimacy, all of it. He identifies as straight but he is not identified with it. It means nothing to him, it simply means a vagina is his preference, he knows he much more enjoys his penis being inside a vagina than an anus. Doesn’t dislike the latter, just not his preference.

He knows however that his life, his body, himself is his to explore. He wants to explore it fully in order to understand and discuss it. Fred’s openness without any attachment to the words he uses to explain himself and his choices makes him actually open. Ensures all pathways, roads, opportunities are available.

To know his choice fully he will explore intimacy with another man, or someone who does not identify as a man but has masculine biology. It will be the right man, one that Fred can fully invest himself into the experience.

It won’t be just any man. They will not be fat, have any diseases, jewellery through their junk, be completely sissy or fake. They will not have an enormous tool, Fred’s safety is the priority.

They will be like Fred in many ways. They will have a beautiful body with muscles and definition, hygienic, clean from disease, open to experience without limiting or expecting, have some idea how to wear a genuine smile and happiness. They will be free to explore themselves for themselves as themselves.

None of this is any different to his criteria with women, minus the consideration of not having a monster cock of course.

Men, he will not choose a tiny pecker either. A miniscule manhood cannot allow Fred to understand the experience, cannot understand what many of the things feel like that he does to women with their consent. Fred has a healthy sized penis, he can only experience what he wants to understand with similar. He is open, intentionally orientated open where he does not put his body and safety of that body at unnecesary harm.

So, part two, Fred’s real converstions start here. The first real conversatrion is with himself.

In reality, it is all the Groundskeeper is, Fred having his first real conversation. Making sure that he is no longer selective with who he shares his words with. He knows when he is not willing to speak his words to the world they are not worth sharing, saying, thinking about, they are worthless words, they make the world worse.

Frederick doesn’t want to do any of what he is doing publicly, attention is the last thing he wants for his universe. A quiet peaceful life with a beautiful woman lying next to him at night on regular occasions is all he wants for himself, not a thing more. He wants to die young after having lived a full life, before his body starts to become a limitation. He wants to know what it means to be who we are together, he wants to learn it with the woman sharing the bed. He wants to support people in freeing themselves from their chains. That’s it, his perfect life.

It often brings him to the point of tears what he is opening himself up to in doing the public side of what he is doing. He doesn’t want to do it, fights with it in himself regularly. Should the reader be paying attention they’ll know Fred understands the potential of people. Especially relevant should what he is doing be shared, start to be understood, become popular.

There is the potential he will be completely outcast, deemed a nutbag, never have a real conversation with another person again. Live out his days alone.

It may change lives in beautiful ways, many lives, be a real starting point towards peace on this planet.

Some people won’t be ready for much of what they face in their freedom process, it will takes lives too.

No one may ever see or read it It is what it is, it doesn’t matter, he tried. His perfect life remains an option. All pathways considered.

Who knows, anything could be its outcome. Many he does not want for himself, none of which are up to him. It is out of his hands unless he deletes it all. As much as Fred doesn’t want any attention he knows what he is doing has real healing and freedom in it, his healing technique and learnings about the world have the potential to free many, he won’t erase it, it is more important than his quietude. Fred, he is not a coward, he is a brave men, he is doing what brave people do, something, everything even when it’s the last the thing they want to do.

He knows his life on this earth will never be fully free and he will never be able to fully explore it until he can explore and express that freedom with others. He needs to do what he is doing. Effectively he is askiing everyone, anyone, from ever corner, nook and cranny of the earth if they are up for a real conversation, inviting them, you, to come and give it a go.

Anything, Freddy will literally do anything to answer his current question, at least explore it, what is We? When there is a We, am I still me?

He’ll do anything, including the very last thing he would ever choose, put his head on a fucking TV.