Chapter 22 – Thorsten

Psychedelics, oh yes, Fred is pretty similar to the little boy wanting to know why the goanna dug its hole when it comes to these things. Freddy likes talking about psychedelics. Psychedelics and healing however, numero uno interesante.

All these plants, these medicines, they are your mother fightiing back against the status quo. They are all her, iBoga is not a male, it has masculine appeal because it needs to speak the language, but it is her. Mushrooms, yes, her, clearly. DMT, her. This mother is a powerful mother, a powerful leader, with these medicines she is asking are you powerful too? Let’s see if you really are. She isn’t sure.

You’re not. Big men, you’re not. Big women, you’re not. Fred is a small man by your standards, he is up fot it. This man is what powerful is, his power is growing in front of your eyes. His power is kindness. Everything you read is an example of kindness, kindness is truth telling.

Her questions are simple. Which one of the psychedelic medicines are you most afraid of? She knows when you lie. She is asking you to show your power, she is asking you to come clean. The medicine you most fear is the answer she wants, she will get it. She will ask you to do a heroic dose, plus a half on top of it, making sure it all goes down or in. She will ask you to sit still with her. You will get your answers as to how powerful you truly are. You will get them.

It will not be fun. Well. at the start anyway. It becomes fun, lots of fun.

There is no master medicine, all of them do some basic shit and they do it beautifully. Physical healing, yes. Emotional/trauma based healing, yes. Spiritual/the understanding of discrimination healing, yes.

The last statement, you remove what you think and you learn to understand. What you think, what is good and bad, what is me and you, what is guilty and innocent. What is whatever this versus whatever that. All discriminations, all blocking you from seeing you, stopping you from opening yourself up to yourself. This is spirituality. Spirituality, dumbfuck word that confuses shit and makes it inaccessible to men like Fred.

Doesn’t understand those words, they don’t make sense, they didn’t. Now they do, would have been much easier to learn if anybody knew what they were talking about.

There are deadhead dipshits running retreats that will be very convincing in their arguments about Iboga being master medicine, it is not, this is bullshit. It’s getting in the way of accessibility this bullshit. Remember? Fred does not participate in bullshit.

Frederick told the world Iboga leader to his face, in his home village in a fairly unknown country in West Africa, he was a liar, that he was hurting people, abusing his position of power. Told him he was a weak cunt. He used different words but made it very clear that this man was betraying position and a culture of truth for the American Dream. Fred told him he knew who he was. This man was not up to it, a real conversation, he ran away. Is still running. Weak men, everywhere, all over the world, men are not meant to be leaders. Fred wants the Narrator to say it his way, We are not meant to be leaders.

Question power and one will start to see and experience it differently.

So, the Narrator tries to be a narrator, It’s an It. It tries not to put itself in the action by saying We. Fred wants it to be clear that when we or a collective term is said it is to ensure you understand he is included in the We that the Narrator talks about.

After all, it’s the level of Fred’s game he is on.

Level one, What is me?  Done, box ticked, all bosses defeated.

Level two, What is we? Of course, worked it out through simple Fred deduction.

Well, I know what me is now, what do I learn now?Okay, what is me? Me is me, cool, claro. What does a me do? Well, I suppose, finds another me? He isn’t confused yet, it makes sense. Okay. Two mes, me me is different to the other me, it’s two individual me’s together. Check, makes sense.

What do you call two mes? Hmmm, We? Well, yes, or course, the collective of me is definitely we. What is we? It is, of course, the narrative of level two of game Person, version Fred.

Beautiful game.

The game is written or not why does it matter? Who cares? If someone or something is bored enough to write down when Fred goes left go for it he reckons. He still knows he chooses to go left. Intersection, left or right? Left. Fred made that decision, does it matter if it is already written? The person who bashed the other person, they made that decision, did they not? The woman who didn’t make Fred feel embarrassed when he told her he didn’t have enough money for a coffee one day. She made it just as he likes it. She chose all that. Written already, who cares?

Fred broke through level one because of moments like that. He has a gift for this woman and her business, a tool to help her see it more clearly. There are just a few spirtiual understandings/discriminations to break through first.

This is all part of the conversation of not chasing an outcome, again bliss, enlightment, God, whatever else. People just want them because they are lazy, that’s it, it is all it is. Somehow people think they can do so much terrible and all of a sudden be given the universe without experiencing what their choices have done to the world. No, weak people take this path, only weak people.

Fred’s path, it is not the weak people path, they are found out pretty early. Fortunately, there are more strong people than weak in this world. Only problem is they don’t know it. Do your research on these medicines, read the stories, understand what you are getting yourself into. Walk into yourself, you’ll find you have strength beyond your wildest dreams.

It’ll be a different strength than you know, it will be strength.

Be safe, know everything about the medicine if you are buying it or picking it, making it yourself. Picking and making are the most safe, and not so difficult. It’s not a money making venture, it’s a healing venture. The key is to make them safely and very cheaply accessible for all people. There is no place for money in a healing space.

Fred heard some bullshit today. 10 or 20 grand for a Mushroom Therapy Program. Oh, this is bullshit. This is greed bullshit. This is how you know someone does not know what they are talking about. In this case many do not, a whole industry does not know what it is talking about.

Mushrooms, Fred could grow enough to get everyone in Queensland having a rather direct conversation with their real mother, a lot of people would be having a hard time sitting still. With the resources in a matter of months, these things are absolutely piss easy to grow and find. In astronomical completely sustainable, pick as much as you want numbers. Ridiculous this bullshit.

Fred had a conversation yesterday. One of the two people in the conversation has reached a point where they are interested in exploring the psychedelic path. The timing of their conversation was not coincidence, there is no such thing as coincidence. This is where he found out the cost, he does not know for sure, does not need to confirm it. He already knows the greed of people, this industry, the cost mentioned here is not farfetched.

People are running retreats all over the world at greed filled, disgusting prices. Opening retreats in the most cheap countries and charging astronomical fees, this is not accessible. It is abuse of the medicine, country and people of that country. These people are not interested in their customers or healing. Filling pockets is the only thing they care about. Abusing this environment, these plants.

Scum of the earth.

Fred doesn’t charge, makes it very clear money is not to come into this space. He mentions the donation options, gives the link to find them and says that is all the money talk, nothing else. But what if? Then do what if, they just don’t talk about what the what is. You want to donate, do so, Fred will not look no matter what method you use or how many times you ask him to check. He will not say thank you. Whatever money comes in is not for him.

He has spent every single resource on learning to do this shit properly. Every one, including his family and friends, the little unit he loved, felt safe in, called home. Had a car and a basic camping setup waiting for him when he returned from the last year of learning, had a bit of cash left. The last part is gone.

With what remained on return to Australia he set himself up, good clothes of the materials his skin likes to last a year, bought all the practicalities which would ensure he could continue bringing these tools to the masses. The last couple of grand he spent on making sure he had everything to do his work, the last $300 on food for himself.

This week, he was low on some supplies, took his whole pay out. Put enough petrol in the car to get home, bought lunch, the rest was for medicines. Medicines to share with you. What he was after was not available, the medicine money with the exclusion of cannabis now went to food. Yeah, this is how serious this bloke is about doing what he says. Bringing these medicines to the world is priority, priority over his own belly.

He had food at home, Weetbix were going to be on heavy rotation this week, don’t need to be now. Still will be, it’s a favourite snack but it is no longer out of necessity.

Mushrooms, the lady he buys them from wasn’t there, he tried a few other people. They all gave him bullshit. After this much of Gold Tops to a couple of vendors. ‘Don’t have it, takes these they’re stronger.’ Stronger is no good to me, Gold Tops only. ‘You can use them in small amounts, these strong ones, they’ll get you smashed’.

The problem with this shit, they’re good man, they’re really strong. Bullshit. Three types in this bag, will get you fucked. Stupidity, unhelpful stupidity. Vendors, Fred does not put up with their bullshit.

Gold Tops only, I teach people how to use these things, safely and simply. Gold tops are easy to teach people with, do you have them? ‘No’. Finally, thank you.

One bloke said he did, ‘be back in five minutes man’. ‘Here you go’. Fred picked up the bag and threw it back at him, That is not an ounce brother. Laughed and went home, ‘Dumb arsehole’, followed by some other shit Fred barely heard being directed at him. Disgusting people trying to take advantage of others who do not know what they are looking for.

Happened to Fred in Nepal a couple of years ago, being overcharged, taken for a ride. He didn’t care, it was just money, says more about the provider this dishonesty. He didn’t put the shit he didn’t know in his body. It was a good lesson.

Have an idea of what to look for. Mushrooms, do not buy a bag that has multiple types mixed, you cannot build a relationship with it. It’s great man, really strong. Tell the person to get their head out of their arse. You want to know what it is, not that it is strong, what is in the bag? How do I identify each different mushroom when they are combined?

You cannot, not as a beginner, no you cannot. Fred would struggle identifying one dried mushroom from another. A relationship cannot be built here.

Information is what you want. What is it? How do I build a relationship? Where do I start? Where does the medicine come from? Do you trust the source? Do you know the source?

Know the source, this means the seller of the medicine has seen their medicine being made, picked or grown. They are physically part of it. If they have not they do not know for sure the medicine is safe. Fred buys his LSD from a bloke that isn’t there for the manufacturing process. He started off buying weed from the bloke, every time the weed was great. The bloke was able to give him the information he needed.

Fred overheard him selling acid to a little friend group. He told them it was strong, not in a this will get you messy way. He told them it was strong, start at a low dose and work with it. He educated them, gave other information too, this is what a seller needs to do. This was Fred’s man. Continues to be, will continue to be. Fred trusts him.

Still however, whenever he resupplies acid the first body it goes into is his. This is the number one safety check. If you’re medicine provider has not put that medicine in their belly at a strong dose, not fucking around, a strong dose, a heroic dose, they are no medicine provider. No excuses, no but this process and that process, my gentle way. Nope coward bullshit, the Narrator has already mentioned Fred and DMT, a real medicine provider/healing support person will make sure it is safe. A microdose or low dose cannot guarantee safety.

Build trust with the person you buy from. Learn the medicine from them, creates safety. Pick it, pay attention to what you are picking, know it, creates safety. Make the medicine yourself patiently, know every step of the process and do it well with care and attention. Once brewed the first body it goes in is yours, safety.

Fred laughs, he may not be any good at this, he takes donations for his support and is broke. Yep, could be bad. He is broke because he has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn this stuff, gave away a contract in his career that would have set him up financially for life. What he has invested is in the millions of dollars should one need to monetise it.

He learnt and learnt, he practised supporting other people. Never mentioned money, did not mention the donation options. He hadn’t learnt enough, could not take anything for the work until he was ready. Chapter something, says he is only just ready now, just a matter of weeks ago. The conversation yesterday is the first one where he has mentioned the donation options to a potential guest/client. He is not bad, he is ready, he wasn’t before. While he wasn’t could not ask for or take a thing.

The writing donation options have been around for a while. This shit, talking about what he is, has been able to for some time. To work completely safely with medicine, this took longer, it was a patient process. Worth every second and cent. He is ready now, it will be clear how ready he is when the program is accessed.

He doesn’t advertise anything. Not the writing or medicine stuff. The advertising he has done was sharing his writing and videos with his previous life, in a very confronting way to them, they ran away, all of them. The advertising for this, the Groundskeeper, mentioned it to one person so far, well two, both in the same conversation. Does not boost the writing or Youtube, does not advertise it at all.

Not 100% true. He has an advertising stream. The Groundskeeper website address and email contact are written on the back window of his car in paint marker. His full advertising is this. No slogans, no rubbish, just those two things. He knows what he is talking about, does not need to sell it.

He is writing and sharing, the momentum gained will be the momentum from the value people receive. It’ll have nothing to do with advertising or begging others to pay attention. He doesn’t look at numbers, not the reads of the written material, not the views on YouTube, none of it. He is expressing what needs to be expressed, walking away, occasionally reviewing it, walking away again.

His power stems from there being no attachment to any of this. Again, in front of your eyes, he is showing you what this power of being who and what you are can do.

Clearly, Fred is having a lot of fun doing it.

Returning to Frederick’s previous life running away from what was presented to them. There are two exceptions.

The first, the Aunty he sat across from the table last week. He had to make sure she was up for a real conversation, she understood what he was saying. She was up for it, strong woman, she didn’t run away. She knew what he was doing, possibly didn’t understand, but didn’t run away. Fred is grateful she remains present in his life.

The other, a cousin, somewhat distant, a man that lives in Germany. Fred and him have only been together in the same space a small handful of times, they have a commonality to life which creates a strong foundation for relationship, their bond is strong. It is honest, a truth relationship. The Aunty above in her immediate responses to the confronting approach didn’t understand, but didn’t run away. Didn’t support, or not support, she didn’t know how either way.

Thorsten, he understood, the words in his reply to Fred showed he understood. He did not run away, his words were ones of support and encouragement. This is the man, the friend, that Fred will hand over what he creates to. This man will do work that is the pinnacle of beauty from the created space for years to come.

Fred will reach out to him again when the time is right. He won’t do it now, he wants to but he will not. Fred trusts, he knows, the option will be presented soon. He gives this man the respect and love he showed Fred. Fred will make sure everything is in place before he makes his offer, he will not expect this man to take a leap of faith on nothing but faith. The proof, the building blocks, the security will be available first.

The decision Thorsten will make will not require faith, belief or trust. It will only require seeing what he is being offered because it is ready to be offered. Thorsten will only have to make a decision based on whether he is ready to talk to his mother, continue talking to her and sharing these conversations with the world. It is the only choice he will have to make when Fred opens the discussion.

Fred knows he cannot expect people to be where he is, ridiculous to do so. He will give a foundation of truth and trust. Through trust the foundation to move forward for Fred, Thorsten and the facility will be strong.