Chapter 15 – Mumbles

Douglas Adams, not a nickname, the author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Fairly irrelevant to anything but equally relevant too. The book itself is clearly a man trying to explain his tripping on DMT, other medicines too, but primarily DMT. DMT is the ultimate rollercoaster, guarantee there is nothing like it in this world except for possibly Salvia Divinorum. Everything Douglas Adams Fred has read is very DMT journey.

The books are both the trip itself and an attempt to explain them, integrate them. The absolute without question number one important aspect of any medicine or healing work, INTEGRATION. Integration basically means I do not keep tripping and tripping and tripping trying to understand, it doesn’t work. The definition of integration in this sense is post medicine experience the experiencer walks away and attempts to learn and apply their lessons to life.

Every single moment in the psychedelic journey is necessary to the unit/subject. Phenomenally amazing thing about medicine experiences, the subject is always you, the medicine taker. They teach you You, most people just don’t know how to listen. This book, or four or five books, is Douglas trying to integrate his medicine experiences, attempting to learn and understand Douglas. Look at the book a bit more closely when you read, not the movie it doesn’t work for this, only the book/s.

More closely, as in remove the ego and dismissing stuff you have not experienced yourself or do not understand and pay attention to the topics raised. Many are no different to Freddy’s experiences and integrations, the two of them, and others have needed to find their own way to interpretation. There is no other way to understand your existence, your way is the only way, the only path.

Without overloading there are some fantastic tools to help with this process. You see numbers or words in the psychedelic experience, internet the significance of both. The words firstly make sure you understand what they mean, look up the definition in the dictionary. Not knowing the definition does not make one dumb, being too proud to admit they do not know is what makes a person stupid.

There may be some words in the definition itself you do not know, look them up too. Get yourself a simple foundation of knowing what the words mean to you. Important not to twist and turn the word or statement to mean what you want it to, it means what it means, they are the words, the definition is the definition. Medicine experiences are asking you to go through this process for an important reason.

Starting point, exceptionally important starting point is to learn how to communicate, both listening and talking, both with others and yourself, number one yourself. The medicine experience is working to assist you in learning this.

The second one, the second best tool, dream interpretation. Books or websites it does not matter. There is no better tool than this besides the above when you are learning to understand, interpret and integrate experiences. After learning some of the bits and pieces you start to understand topics, themes, relevance to you, relevance to the world, all the rest of it. Great tool.

Third, read others medicine experiences and the interpretations. Forums and the like are okay should you be able to ignore so much rubbish, provided you know what to look for to ignore the rubbish. Anyone who is obviously attached to their position, gets louder and more aggressive to be heard/right needs to be ignored. Anyone saying this is what it is and there is no other way to it needs to be ignored. Generally in a forum a theme or three will be more consistent than one person’s belief in what it is. The theme is closer to being correct than an individual position. Remember belief is what someone thinks, there is no knowing to it, no understanding, just attachment.

Three part two, find someone who knows what they are talking about, someone who will support and work with you to find your own meaning by being able to guide you based on their meaning. However, they will not push their position of understanding onto you, the person/s will help you understand the messaging for yourself. There is no other way for you to understand it but your way, it’ll end up being the same as the experienced person, only using different words and stories. Underneath it, the primary messaging, the necessary learning will be exactly the same.

The person who knows what they are talking about will show you the common ground but only once you understand, know, what you are talking about. This relationship between experiences is beyond important, it is the basis of commonality and language. There are a million ways to say and experience the same thing, different words and experiences do not make that thing different. Only you wanting to be different, special, makes them different. Again, attachment. You have not learnt anything yet, the facilitator should be able to communicate this with you.

The wanting to be special may be the next topic to work on after understanding the original messaging. Breaking through this attachment may be necessary to reach the goals highlighted in the previous paragraph. There is a lot of indentity, ego, pride to work through for every person.

Progress to learn that you are not special and you learn how special you are, everybody is. Just not special in the piss poor pathetic manner you want special to be, the true special is significantly more special than that. It is actually special, Fuckhead.

Mumbles, nickname that originated from his best mates Dad and Grandpa when Fred was 14 or 15. A nickname that was relevant for as long as Freddy could speak and well into his early 30s. Mumbles was exactly that, a heavy mumbler. Mumbled when speaking with all people, to the point of not being understandable when talking to adult men. The video chapters clearly are examples of this changing, clarity in speech improves as healing and opening grows.

The mumbling was a direct result of abuse, how afraid Freddy was. The less afraid he became the more clear he became in his voice. Orating, speaking publicly, he would be close to tears every time. It didn’t matter if there were three or 3000 people in front of him, it was all the same. Mumbles still did it, walked into that fear. He tried knowing it would be a struggle, he always tried.

Fear of men, started to walk into it, run into it in this instance when he was 16 and started to play senior AFL. Senior AFL in a brutal, violent and coward dominated league, the Colac and District Football League (CDFL). He played another season there a few years ago, nothing has changed. Probably only one team he has played against is worse for cowards taking the field (and administrating) than this one, the Carngham-Linton Football Club in whatever league they play in now.

Cowards, you know them, both on the field and off. They are the ones trying to hurt people and take them out of the game. The sole reason they do this is because they know they are shit and violence is the only way around it. It worked on Fred, practice match in the CDFL the year after debuting in the seniors. 17 years old, skinny as buggery, obviously still a kid and an Irrewillipe Hay brother, the weakest most cowardly family in the region, punched him in the back of the head when Fred went to mark the ball. Did this because Mumbles was too quick, too good for him.

Courage on the football field is the opposite of this rubbish. Courage is I want the very best players on all teams to be playing, I want to be challenged, my skill to be challenged, I want everybody to be safe. Feeling safe on and off the field allows people to reach their potential. Fred never got close to his potential in footy, didn’t give a shit. Loved training and the hard work, didn’t much enjoy playing the game, every game someone tried to take him out in absolutely weak ways simply because he was good . As he got older he laughed, called people cowards, all the rest of it, told them the truth.

Note, coward on the football field or in following a team, coward in every single part of your life.

A special mention. The coach of Rokewood where Fred was the assistant senior coach. A police officer, Taddie, a small man with small man syndrome. Small man in every way. A police officer employed to uphold the law, employed to keep people safe, employed to model safety. A man who went around coward punching anybody and everybody on the field. A man that should be locked up in a hole never to see daylight, a pathetic disgusting coward. A coward approved to carry a gun.

No wonder parents don’t want their kids playing sport with examples like this getting around. Sport is a beautiful beautiful tool for health, community connection, removing social isolation, building skills and confidence, learning to work with others. Has so many benefits, benefits ruined by cowards.

He could speak in front of a packed MCG now. He could speak in front of the crowd without a single note, planning what he is going to say or even knowing the topic to be addressed. He could speak without saying umm, without mumbling once.

All examples and proof of his healing approach success. Examples, again, that the people in his old life are too stubborn and ego-identified to want to pay attention to. Dumb fucks.
