Chapter 9 – Yessica

Chapter Nine, dedicated to introducing some new plot lines, situations and not so loose ends. The things to keep an eye on as we proceed. In actuality introducing none of them, all of it has been. Chapter Nine is to make sure some of the outcomes to look for as we move on are clear.

$4 remaining. That’s it. Started yesterday with $800, finished with 46. This morning a haircut, coffee, sausage and chucking the final change in the coffee van tin. The last money he knows he had. $1.10 in the bank and $3 or 4 stuck in the cracks of the car, another coffee.

He isn’t stressed. He has no debt, his phone or internet being shut off won’t be an issue. He can make a fire, has a basic idea of what plants are safe, knows anything big enough to have meat is safe to eat (once it is dead and cooked, toads not included and also think twice if it flies, grasshoppers not included). Taking water from a source that is clear and running is the safest bet, boiling it for 10 minutes if possible before drinking, or chancing coming upon a spring from the ground.

He has everything he needs both to survive and thrive. The survive is the basic knowledge and skills. The thrive is the growing of those skills into what can be done with them. Not only is there a knowing of the plants which are safe and not safe, there is a knowing of the ones that contain certain chemical structures. These plants are his tools to do his work. He also knows how to use them, grow them, cook them for enjoyable consumption, extract the alkalines necessary.

He spent his last $800 on this, getting the very last of what he needs to create his own medicine. He has everything he needs, he is reliant on nobody, he does not have a lab. The last 300, including this morning money, making sure he has enough food, good nutritious balanced food to last two weeks. It’ll last three, munchies dependent.

He has no stress too because he is due to get paid tomorrow, cannot guarantee it, but due to. He now knows exactly where his financial situation is. Rock bottom dollar, car due for registration in five pays should he still be working then. Much can happen, having no money will not impact him and what he does and says. He will not give himself away for this thing, money. Now he knows his financial position he never has to pay attention to it again.

This is for you too reader, the doubt you have, the this is full of crap. Money does not mean anything amigos. That’s what is happening here, showing you that, making it indisputable.

Frederick, he already has the foundation to build what he is building, there may not be another person capable of it. The foundation is him, the work he has put into knowing and understanding what he is, isn’t. He knows he is both, neither. Both is and isn’t. He is only what he is when he chooses to be it. He knows what it means to heal, to live, when nobody else seems to have a clue. He is the only one capable of building what is being built.

The Greenskeeper, this is how Fred writes a book, his way. He forgets the name of the title, then remembers it, doesn’t change it. Doesn’t care. The book follows nothing he knows of, it is not a literary attempt at perfection. His book is only intended to be proof, nothing else. This proof makes the work a bit easier, he is due that.

The Groundskeeper is the building blocks of Fred’s vision. Building on the foundation. He has everything he needs now for this purpose/vision, everything, does not need a thing. Building block one complete.

The remainder of the Groundskeeper continues to build those blocks. By the end they will be there, all the blocks. We will move on to another topic. The writing and recording won’t stop, it is getting more and more fun. Just the role/title.

Fred’s vision, let’s just call it a knowing rather than a vision, make the language simple. He will build the absolute, absolute without question, without anyone being able to say they even compare, the absolute benchmark in healing spaces in this world. It will include what he knows works, he will rip the shit he knows doesn’t out of others. This space, in Australia, when it is completed, when Fred leaves in a handful of years, will be that. Every other facility will scramble to catch up, they will, but only to what it is now. There will be more catching up to do by then.

What it is now, to make this clear, where you, the healing world, Fred’s mate Jo from Darwin, Dominic, Mark the Psych, need to catch up to is where it is now, where Fred is at now, first step. He is only just ready. This chapter itself says enough.

This is what it will be, you want to heal and work in healing, this is the way it is done. The results that come from what is created, with help from friends, will be indisputable. He will work with everyone, every healing orientated anything, so that they catch up, so all are moving and doing what actually works together.

He will not throw a single program at you. Should a psychiatrist try to discuss the ethics of what he is doing Fred will remind them of how useless plants are showing their profession to be. He will remind them that the outcomes from studies on psilocybin have nothing to do with the therapist in the room, just the tool, the prop, the plant. He knows as well as they do that one intentional sitting with psilocybin, one six hour sitting, is the equivalent of six to eight years continuous psychotherapy. Continue on to LSD and DMT? Do the sitting with Fred, one can double or triple those outcomes.

Six to eight years means that your therapist is preying and riding into riches on dependence. The exact same thing they should be working to free people from.

Plants don’t prey.

What is created will be where the best institutes and universities in the world send their people to learn how to build and be in relationship with medicine. First, however, they will learn what it means to heal. The mental health approach will then start to move forward. Do something that does something.

What is done in this space will result in solutions to problems that need solving, he won’t be part of it. This is what he will create, hand over to his mate, and walk out the door, walk away.

This is what it takes to create a healing space.

In the creating process, not once will Fred ask for a dollar, for anything. The Narrator is making it clear how indisputable all this will be. The Narrator is ensuring Fred’s work becomes much much easier, all isolation removed.

Fantastic, Beautiful.

Fred laughs because this could easily be all every chapter says each day until 52 are used up. It won’t make a difference to its success. These are the two words that come out of his mouth most frequently. How are ya? Fantastic. How was the water? Beautiful. For examples. That’s it, stupid questions that he does his best to give the best equally stupid but true answer available. This is every second of his life. Fantastic. Beautiful. Is every moment of his life.

Without medicine Frederick’s body and head are in pure peace with one another. They work together continuing to learn, it is a beautiful relationship that is 100% trust based. It is a beautiful beautiful way to live. Hence, we get to talk about his relationship with psychedelics again. These things are a beautiful tool, not unlike a classroom, a school, a university. There’s DMT Wing, studies in mycology, lectures on LSD, iboga in incubators, ketamine kitchens.

Freddy, he knows there is so much more to learn, so little time to do it. He has fun, his life is pure fun. He feels and shows all the emotions everyone does. About the only thing he does differently is remembers to unfeel them when they are not present anymore. Oh, and smiles, and laughs, non-stop, at everything. There is nothing in the world that cannot be laughed about, not one thing. There’s a way, another topic he is exploring. How to make the worst topics a little bit less worse. This is fun, the medicines ooh they help here. Surely surely do.

One thing he learnt, ooh he learnt it very well. The laughter right now, yep he learnt it well. Doesn’t even know what it is yet, but knows he knows this one. The fingers are doing then the mind is reading, it’s a great process. They are almost in tune but not quite, sometimes the fingers in front, sometimes the mind, others both together. Beautiful process when one can be attentive to it in motion.

Violence, this one can be explained, DMT, yes it showed him this. Showed that the violence in this world is not near where it has the potential to reach. Not near at all. Frederick was taken into DMT world, which was this world, found himself sitting in the middle of the street with the most horrendous things happening around him, things he could not understand. Horrendous things being threatened towards him. DMT made sure he understood the capacity of violence. Fred understands.

Even this Fred can laugh about now because he understands it. The funny is that somehow even at the point of violence he was presented with people still could not see themselves. Could not see this is not the right way. All they knew was hate and yet everyone else was doing whatever they were doing wrong. People still could not look at themselves and say I am the problem. Their ego and pride, oh these destructive forces.

Frederick, even it that horror, the fear, he did not let it stop him being him. He loved, he was afaid, but he loved. Sat up, looked it all in the eye and told it the truth ‘I do not participate in violence’. He told all the violent people, all the violence, that he does not participate in violence. He would not react to them. He told them they were violent in his actions, he showed them without saying a word what courage is, they knew it is not what they were. Finally, someone in full honesty based on knowing, based on love, told them the truth. Change is now available where it wasn’t.

The world is not gone just yet. Provided one person is trying another way of living, is willing to tell the truth ignoring the personal cost there is still hope.

Freddy hasn’t given up. He’ll continue to learn, find a way to get through. Keep his book as entertaining and educational as much as he knows how and really, just have a bloody good time.

He’ll study hard too, real hard. Plenty of historical evidence on his commitment to his own education, school, university.

The University already introduced here.

He reached out to Yessica one last time last night. He made sure attachment was not driving it. Looked into it a few times to make sure. The motivation of the stupidity of them not having sex yet was the motivation that prompted the contact. Not reminding her he still is open to have sex with her. It really is dumb, them not having had sex yet.

Yessica tells Fred in a reply that he will find that their journeys are similar. He just told her the truth, in all correspondence. No building of common ground or stories. He said I want to explore intimacy with you for these reasons with no attachment/expectation. Yesterday he tells her it is dumb they aren’t having sex at the moment.

He tells her this because their journeys are clearly not similar. Hers remains full of discriminations and judgements. All based on what she wants something to be. That is not a new journey, that is the same journey as before, the same lies using different words. Words that make it more exclusive and therefore trendy. This is how Fred knows Yessica’s path is not the path. He knows intimacy will be limited in its exploration as things stand, also knows change is inevitable. Change, the only thing when death hasn’t come that can be guaranteed.

His path, his proposal, uses intimacy as a tracking tool. The more free and safe to explore in relationship, the more free and safe to explore in intimacy. They go hand in hand. The more the two people exploring intimacy open up their lives in other ways the results can be measured in the bedroom. Freedom in heads equals freedom in beds.

Fred’s intimacy motivation. To learn himself, to learn you, to learn each other. Push and challenge to open up and see the world more clearly. Do it in partnership with another person. The results, its success, again, can be gauged through sex.

Learning can be fun, very fun.